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Listen to Radio Streaming via Radio Tray on Ubuntu 

Posted by : gen781
Did you ever think to listen to online radio or radio streaming on your laptop/computer? But you're confused how to do? Not to be confused because there are Radio Tray as a Radio Streaming Player. Radio Tray is an online radio streaming player that runs on a Linux System Tray. Its goal is to have the minimum interface possible, making it very straightforward to use.

Radio Tray is not a full featured music player, there are plenty of excellent music players already. However, there was a need for a simple application with minimal interface just to listen to online radios. And that's the sole purpose of Radio Tray. Radio Tray is Free Software, licensed under the GPL.

Features of Radio Tray
  • Plays most media formats (based on gstreamer libraries)
  • Bookmarks support, with sorting
  • Easy to use
  • Supports PLS playlist format (Shoutcast/Icecast)
  • Supports M3U playlist format
  • Supports ASX, WAX and WVX playlist format
This application package can be downloaded here, or for a computer connected to the Internet can simply install it via Terminal by typing the following command :
Sudo apt-get install radiotray
Besides, we can also install through the Ubuntu Software Center. You can just typing "Radio Tray" in the search field of Ubuntu Software Center then will appear the application & click Install.

Once installed, run the Radio Tray through the Taskbar menu; Aplications> Sound & Video> Radio Tray.

Will appear icon in the System Tray as shown below:

Click on the icon and then select the type of music you want, for example, Classical Rock & select a radio station.

If successfully connected to the radio station you selected earlier, then the icon in the System Tray will change color to blue & notification will appear that the radio station is currently connected.

You can also add new radio station to the radio stations list of Radio Tray. Just right click the Radio Tray icon in the System Tray and select Configure Radios. It will appear like the following window :

Click Add, then the window will appear as follows :

Fill in the Radio Name, URL & Group then click Save.


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